MCP4725 DAC module I2C interface DA conversion

MCP4725 DAC module I2C interface DA conversion

Артикул: 232375
Производитель: LCTECH
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MCP4725 DAC module I2C interface DA conversion 1. Overview MCP4725 is low power consumption and high precision of the single channel 12 buffer voltage output digital to analog converter, have EEPROM, Users can use the I2C interface command write the DAC input and configuration data into EEPROM, to achieve the digital analog conversion function. 2. The function and characteristics 12-bit resolution I2C interface Module working voltage: 3.3V~5.5V Provide test program of the Arduino to generate sine wave. 3. Introduced the hardware and instructions The board size: 15.5*15.5mm The board function description: VCC GND: POWER Input SDA SCL: I2C interface OUT GND: Signal output P1 in three welding plate is used to change the I2c address (the default address is 0x60):down to 0x60,when up to 0x61. 4. Simple test method Burning the test program into Arduino UNO board, VCC GND SDA SCL connect to 5V GND A4 A5, OUT GND connect to the oscilloscope, so you can see the following waveform:


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